by admin | Mar 26, 2009 | Sex Abuse Law Articles
Child Victims’ Act of Pennsylvania gives survivors of childhood sexual abuse a two-year “civil window,” to file a lawsuit against their Perpetrator and the entity that protected him. To read the full text of the bill click on the link H1137. The bill...
by admin | Mar 26, 2009 | Abuse Legislation - Laws & News, Child Sexual Abuse New York
The Child Victims’ Act of New York gives survivors of childhood sexual abuse a one-year “civil window,” to file a lawsuit against their Perpetrator and the entity who protected him. To read the full text of the bill click on the link A04560. As of...
by admin | Mar 26, 2009 | Child Sex Abuse Law California
Cardinal Mahony under federal investigation over abusive priests, sources say. January 29, 2009 – The Los Angeles Times — Los Angeles, CA — The U.S. attorney in Los Angeles has launched a federal grand jury investigation into Cardinal Roger M. Mahony...
by admin | Mar 19, 2009 | Child Sexual Abuse New York, Clergy Abuse
Mikvah and Child Sexual Abuse in the Orthodox Jewish Community in New York. April 20, 2009: By MICHELE BETTI of BETTI AND ASSOCIATES | b&a opinions April 20, 2009 Studies have found Orthodox Jews account for as much as 10% of Jews nationwide, and a far greater...