Law Offices in San Diego, CA 760-500-5451

By MICHELE M. BETTI | b&a opinions |

New York State law limits residency strictly for higher-risk sex offenders who are also subject to a sentence of probation or parole.  Local communities need local control to set restrictions to include Level 1 sex offenders.

Level 1 Registered Sex Offender plea agreements are a problem.  Too often than not this same sex offender moves onto a different child penetrating schools as a guidance counselor, coach or teacher, infiltrating churches to become the new youth minister or youth counselor, or surreptitiously gaining access into a youth organization as that over eager volunteer only to abuse another child much in the same manner as he or she abused before.

With only a Level 1 Register Sex Offender on his/her record, he/she does not have to abide by the more sever restrictions as having to register as a Level 2 or Level 3 Sex Offender, thus preventing another child from being victimized.

See the full article here:

Copyright 2015, b&a opinions.

–Michele M. Betti of the Law Offices Of Betti & Associates is an advocate for survivors of childhood sexual abuse.